Shall We Dance? – Why, Yes, Thank you kindly
August 4th, 2008 by Sonja

Spirit of the Dance

The Trinity is hard to understand. It’s far too complex to have been made up, and no where do we have it explained to us with any kind of absolute understanding. We’re faced with the fact there’s one God, and yet there is the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They’re all different. But there’s only one God. Unity and Diversity. Three in One. How does this work? Well, there have been a lot of suggestions over the centuries. The latest prevailing attitude has been to see the Trinity as a hierarchy. The Father, then the Son, then the Spirit. But that’s not quite right, because there’s a lot of discussion in Scripture that doesn’t make it all that neat. The Father gives all his authority to the Son, who sends the Spirit, who had already sent the Son. It’s unusual.

Add to this the fact it’s not the kind of relationship we’re used to dealing with in organizations. They love each other. It’s the love and the relationship that is the bond. God is love. There’s no intimidation or manipulation or ambition or dissension. There’s just relationship. And this kind of relationship has been given a name. Perichoresis. Basically this is a big word to say something not that hard to understand, but almost impossible to live. Instead of being a hierarchy, the persons in the Trinity are continually circling around each other, interwoven, interdependent, interpenetrating. Or to put it more simply… the relationship is kinda like a dance.

You may remember that at the beginning of last month I put a call for articles? Well … the dance is now on. Patrick and I, with the help of our friends, put together a lovely issue of Porpoise Diving Life. There’s a wonderful variety of articles, stories, and even a poem and a song all over there for you to read, listen to and absorb. Each looks at the dance of relationship among and between the Trinity and us in different ways. Won’t you join the dance?

One Response  
  • Drew writes:
    August 4th, 20089:36 pmat

    I have always loved the Cappadocian way of describing the Trinity because they leave breathing room for our limited understanding of it all. There is beauty in much of the Patristics that I think Calvinism destroyed in favor of an over-hyped rationalism (e.g. TULIP). The idea that beauty and mystery synthesize in some form to make love is, I think, wonderful and works well if we are to love God and neighbor.

    It also covers how we are image-bearers of God. It’s not just male and female. It is that we cannot live alone. God is a self-sufficient community who is also so inseparable that God is also One. That has always been a source of awesomeness (in the true sense of the term) for me.

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