In Which I Have Become Zombified
November 26th, 2007 by Sonja

I know I should write something.  Anything.  Anything at all.  Quite a bit happened this weekend and most of it was really wonderful.  But my brain seems to have been sucked out my left ear and I am now a member of the walking undead.  Well,  the sitting undead.  I am not even walking, just sitting.  Staring.  With the occasional drool.

I could write about how the family gathered together and there wasn’t ever a cross word.  Well, there were cross words, but we spoke them to our children when they were beating each other about the head and neck, or had forgotten to brush their teeth.  Heinous moments such as those.

I could write about how wonderful it was to sit and talk with my sister-in-law with whom I have had many fights and disagreements over the years.  But now we can come together as friends and sisters.  Grace truly reigned over this weekend.  Without her presence and energy, I’m not certain I could have coped with all of the people who were here.  It was good to know she had my back.

I could write about the joy it was to prepare meals with my “special” niece, who became my sous chef for the weekend.  She has many delays and disorders, but the girl is a warhorse in the kitchen and my second set of hands.

I could write about the giggles and silliness from the children who we rarely saw.  They were off playing hard almost all weekend.  But the remains of the day are scattered all over the house.  I have found bits and pieces of artwork from all of them here and there; artifacts and treasures from a stratification of family history.

I could write about the relationships that were rebuilt and strengthened.  The sinews that were tried.  The new bonds that were bridged.  But first my own synapses must meet.  And that seems to be a problem this morning!  So, for at least a day or so more, I will be processing, tidying, reconnoitering and becoming again.  I’ll be back again soon.  In time for Advent with Brother Maynard and his wonderful new book, (which I still have to download), but soon.  I promise.

7 Responses  
  • Patrick writes:
    November 26th, 200710:52 amat


  • Maria writes:
    November 26th, 200711:30 amat

    Sounds like a great weekend. Make sure you give your inner introvert some time to recoup!

  • sherri writes:
    November 26th, 200712:57 pmat

    I know the feeling of the brain being sucked out the ear–it takes at least 48 hours of relative quiet for me to recover from that particular operation. We’ll be here when you’ve recovered. 😉

  • Adam G. writes:
    November 26th, 20071:33 pmat

    You are doing pretty good for an undead blogger.

  • kievasfargo writes:
    November 26th, 200710:42 pmat

    No kidding! Your zombie post says more than most of my (rare) lucid ones :)

  • Janet writes:
    November 27th, 20071:10 amat

    You’re a superb writer Sonia… even when brain dead. You describe the state so well!

    Sounds like a blessed time.

  • Peggy writes:
    November 27th, 200712:07 pmat

    Ah, Sonja….welcome to my frequent state: mostly dead 😉

    So pleased for the shalom experienced throughout your household over the Thanksgiving holiday…and you had an exhausting run up to it with all the painting, etc.

    I got my copy of Bro. M’s book yesterday. I’m looking forward to working through it…I think we should try to Skype it together…e-mail me 8)

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