I am becoming more and more convinced that one of the greatest things we (Americans) have to worry about is that there is a very great likelihood that Bush, et al will NOT leave office when their term is up in January 2009. That they will declare it a matter of national security or national emergency and therefore not leave office.
It’s in the wind when I read articles such as this about forming a Security and Prosperity Partnership (ht Mike Todd) with Canada and Mexico to be “enforced” (a partnership needs to be enforced?) by the US Army. We are in a time of dire consequences for our lack of political will in the last eight years.  The time is coming and now is, when we will need to stand strong to protect the fact that we are indeed a democracy. We will not fear. We will not be cowed into our homes.
Freedom requires strength and responsibility. It requires a sense that we will look out for one another and not allow the government to do our work for us. If we fear, we cannot be free. So we must be free and let the fear go. Let them make their dirty money in some other fashion. But they will not make it at our expense.