In Other News
March 30th, 2007 by Sonja

There is a Secret being told around town and around the country … here’s a brief synopsis:

“And this is really fun,” says Joe Vitale. “This is like having the universe as your catalog and you flip through it and you go, ‘Well, I’d like to have this experience, and I’d like to have that product and I’d like to have a person like that.’ It is you just placing your order with the universe. It is really just that easy.”

Huh? Well, instead of sending all our money and great ideas to the people dying of hunger and disease in Africa and Asia, we’ll just send copies of this book and tell them to imagine themselves well. I guess that’s what’s been wrong all this time. They don’t have very good imaginations. They don’t know how to think hard enough about good clean water and nourishing food. Because it really is just that easy. Mr. Vitale said so.

3 Responses  
  • jamie writes:
    March 31st, 20077:27 amat

    LOL. Good plan. Who knew it would be that easy?

  • kievasfargo writes:
    April 4th, 20079:47 amat

    And it was endorsed by Oprah, so of course it MUST be true! (…sigh…)

  • Patrick writes:
    April 4th, 20076:44 pmat

    A couple of weeks ago Saturday Night Live had a funny sketch on just this. I know! Saturday night live had a funny sketch! It’s shocking. But, it was funny. It was about the author and Oprah interviewing people. One man they had on satellite was talking to them from Darfur. He said the book wasn’t working for him, as there was still violence and starvation. They accused him of not believing enough or having enough imagination.

    Have a bit of a charismatic background, my take on this is someone is a marketing genius. They took the “name it, claim it” concept that gets all the TV preachers rich, removed the Jesus parts, replaced said parts with other words, and they had themselves a secret.

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