So LightBoy took the reins this evening. He cooked dinner for us this evening. We had a lovely gourmet feast. It consisted of frozen chicken breast patties, sugar snap peas and bread. I was refused my request for milk because we were low.
I was called to the set table. Dinner was on my plate. I sat down and gave my wonderful son many compliments on this fine cuisine. As we clasped hands around the table and prepared our hearts to say a blessing for the meal so lovingly prepared, LightBoy said, with a big grin on his face, “You know the two knobby things on the bottom of the toilet seat? If you put a ketchup packet underneath each one and someone sits on the seat, they’ll squirt ’em on the back of their legs!!”
I just don’t want to know how an almost 9 year old boy comes by this particular piece of information…